If you are like many septic system homeowners, the peaceful sound of rain can be abruptly ruined by the sudden and unpleasant smell of sewage it brings into your home.
In this article, we will take a closer look at what could be causing your home to have a septic tank smell at times, specifically during times of heavy rainfall.
If you believe your sewage smell needs professional intervention by a plumber, you can call 1.855.925.0760 to be connected to a local plumbing professional in your local area.
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Why does my house smell like sewage when it rains?
So, let’s get to the question at hand, why does your house smell like sewage when it rains? The sewage smell in your home that accompanies rain may be caused by a few common issues:
- cracked pipes
- clogged drains
- cracked septic tank
- septic tank waste build-up
Continue reading for more information on the cause and remedies of sewage smell in your home…
For septic tank owners, the smell you experience from a septic system can often be caused by a build-up of waste and sludge in your septic tank. This can sometimes be remedied by having your septic tank pumped.
If you are experiencing a smell from your septic tank call 1.855.925.0760 for a septic tank pumping estimate. You can also visit our national directory to find septic companies near you.
You can also often take care of smells quickly by using a powerful flushable septic tank additive like Septifix, which can reduce or eliminate odors in as little as 3-5 days. To learn more about Septifix tablets, visit our full review here.
It’s likely that your house smells like sewer when it rains because the rain is washing the sewer smell into your house. You can try to prevent this by installing a rain barrel to collect the rainwater so that it doesn’t run off of your roof and down your drain. You can also try to seal up any cracks or openings around your home where the smell might be entering.
Rain can cause a lot of problems for homeowners, and one of those problems is a sewer smell. This smell can be caused by a number of things, but the main culprit is usually outside drains that have become clogged.
When it rains, the water from the sky collects in outside drains and puddles. If these drains are clogged, that water will back up and start to flow into your home. This water will bring all sorts of debris with it, including dirt, leaves, and garbage. And as that dirty water flows through your home’s plumbing system, it will leave behind a nasty sewer smell.
Flooding is another common problem that can occur during rainstorms. When too much water accumulates on your property, it can seep into your home’s foundation or even enter through windows and doors. Flooding can also cause damage to your property’s infrastructure, including your roof and plumbing system.
So if you’re experiencing a sewer smell in your home when it rains, don’t panic! There are likely some simple solutions that you can do yourself to fix the problem. Try clearing out any clogged drains or pipes on your property, and make sure that all of your gutters are free of debris. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to call a plumber for help.
Rather watch a video about rain and sewer smell?
How to prevent a sewage septic smell in your house when it rains…
There are a few things you can do to help prevent sewer smell in your house when it rains. One is to make sure your roof is in good condition and doesn’t leak. You can also install a backflow preventer to keep rainwater from entering your sewer line. You can also make sure your gutters are clean and free of debris, and that your downspouts are directed away from your house.
Your house smells like sewer when it rains for a variety of reasons. The first step to preventing this is by maintaining a healthy septic system. If you notice a foul odor coming from your septic tank, it might be a sign of an issue with your septic system or that there is a leak in another room.

The best way to prevent sewage gas from leaking into your home is by maintaining a healthy septic system on time and regularly checking for leaks in other rooms. Heavy rain can cause some components of your septic system to fail, which allows the smell to be more potent.
If you feel like your septic tank is failing, contact a local septic tank professional here for a free estimate at 1.855.925.0760
Another common cause of sewer smells in your home is decomposing waste and bacteria that have built up in your sewer system. To prevent this, make sure you keep your septic tank clean and free of debris. Read more about how Septifix can break down sludge and reduce noxious smells in days here.
A sewer trap is any device that prevents toxic gases from escaping into the home. A sewer trap will typically be found in a bathroom sink or toilet. In order to avoid sewer smells, regularly inspect your P-trap and replace any broken or malfunctioning parts.
Here is some more detail on preventing the sewer smell in your home when it rains.
Make Sure Water Stays in the Sewer Trap(s) To Avoid Back-Up Septic Tank Odors
A properly installed and maintained roof drainage system can help direct water away from your house and keep it out of the sewer line. The roof should slope towards the street so that rainwater runs off quickly, and downspouts should discharge rainwater at least six feet away from the foundation of your house. You can also install a splash block or drain tile around the foundation to divert any runoff away from the house.
If you have a problem with sewer smell in your house, call a plumber for help.
Clean Out Your Drains
Every time it rains, the water pushes all of the dirt and debris that has built up in your drains down the pipe and into your house. This can cause a bad smell, and it can also lead to clogs. To avoid this, you should clean out your drains every time it rains. You can do this by pouring a pot of boiling water down each drain. This will help to loosen up any dirt or debris that is stuck inside the drain, and it will help to get rid of any bad smells.
Make Sure the Toilet Isn’t Loose
If the bolts that hold your toilet in place are not tight, water can seep out and cause the seal to break. This will allow sewer gas to escape from the pipes and into your home. You can check to see if your toilet is loose by gently rocking it back and forth. If it moves more than an inch, it is likely loose and needs to be tightened.
However, you should be careful not to overtighten them, as this can damage the porcelain on the toilet bowl. If you are uncomfortable tightening the bolts yourself, you can call a plumber to do it for you.
Other Reasons why your Septic System may smell when it rains?
Septic systems should not produce any smells, especially a rotten egg smell, but when they do it can be frustrating and puzzling. You may wonder what is causing the smell and how to make it go away. Well, don’t worry! Local septic tank specialists are standing by to help at 1.855.925.0760
Read more about how Septifix can break down sludge and reduce noxious smells in days here.
There are several reasons why your septic system might emit a bad odor when it rains. One possibility is that the rain is washing sewage effluent from the septic tank into the leach field. This can happen if the tank isn’t properly maintained and starts to fill up with solid waste. When this happens, the wastewater treatment process becomes overwhelmed and liquid sewage begins to flow directly into the ground instead of being absorbed by the soil.
Another possible cause of a bad odor during rainy weather is the gas buildup in the septic system. Gases like methane and sulfur dioxide can escape from the tank and pipes and create an unpleasant smell. This problem can often be resolved by running water through all of your drains frequently- about once a week should do the trick.
Read this article to learn how to neutralize septic tank odors.