Septic tank types in Florida
If you are installing a new septic tank in Florida, one of the first things you need to decide is the type of septic tank you need. There are different types of septic tanks, and the one that will work best for you depends largely on the type of soil surrounding your property, the location of the leach field, and your budget.
Broadly speaking, there are five types of septic tanks in Florida. They are:
Conventional Septic System
These septic systems have three components. The first part is where solids get separated from wastewater and is collected. Next, the water passes on to a distribution box from where it is send out to the leach field (also known as drainfield) in an even manner. With a conventional septic system, the effluent (or the wastewater) flows through gravel.
Conventional septic treatment systems are efficient and cost-effective, but because of their overly large size, they may not be the best option for smaller lots.
For more on conventional septic system.
Chamber Septic System
Chamber septic systems, which have gravel less drainfield, are hugely popular, especially in those areas that have high water tables. These systems are also a good choice for homes where the wastewater volumes varies a lot, like vacation homes.
Drip Distribution Septic System
This type of system is not unlike the chamber system, with the key difference being in the dose or holding tank needed for managing water flow. You can install such a system in a relatively smaller lot, but the downside is that you will likely spend more on electricity compared to other septic systems. A drip distribution septic system also usually requires more maintenance.
Aerobic Treatment System
Aerobic systems rely on oxygen-dependent bacteria for the breaking down of solid waste. In such a system, oxygen is supplied to the septic tank to promote a health population of oxygen-dependent bacteria, which in turn break down solid matter. These units may also include an additional part in which a chlorinator is usually used for treating the wastewater before it is ejected. Compared to anaerobic systems, aerobic treatment systems produce higher-quality effluent.
For more on Aerobic Systems read this.
Mound Septic System
This type of septic treatment system is an option in an area where water table is relatively high or ground is shallow. However, keep in mind that these systems are more expensive and need more space compared to conventional septic systems.
Regardless of the type of septic system you install, you must follow the guidelines laid forth by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). You can find all the instructions concerning the placement of a new septic system in Florida here.
Not sure which type of septic system will work best for you and/or how you will manage to keep so many instructions in mind while installing a new tank? Don’t worry, we have got your back. With years of installing septic tanks in all kinds of buildings in Florida, we know these regulations inside out.
For more on mound systems read this.
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