How to obtain a septic tank permit in Leon County Florida

Thinking of installing a new septic tank in your in Leon County? Congratulations! Septic tanks are the way to go. Not only are they more efficient and affordable, but they are also environmentally-friendly. However, before you can start the installation process, you will need a septic permit.

Not sure how to get one? Don’t worry, we have you covered.

Steps to obtain a septic tank permit in Leon County

The DOH-Environmental Health Leon County is tasked with issuing new septic tank permits. Here are the steps you need to follow to obtain one.

Step 1 – Submit an application

Download the application form, fill it, and then submit it. The instructions about how to fill it are included in the form.

Step 2 – Submit a site plan

Submitting only the application for a new septic tank permit won’t do; you must also submit a submit plan. In addition, you may also need to submit a building plan.

Step 3 – Pay the application fee

A new septic tank permit in Leon County is not free. You will have to pay a fee for it.

Keep in mind that usually new septic tank permits require a soil inspection. You can have the local health department inspect the soil conditions around the septic tank site for a fee. Or, you can hire a third-party for this purpose. Only a Florida-licensed engineer, a licensed septic tank contractor, a Florida-licensed soil scientist, or a certified person can perform the site inspection.

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