How much does a septic inspection cost – State By State Breakdown

If you are buying or selling a home, you will likely need a septic inspection. When a home is changing hands, a septic inspection can check whether it is functioning efficiently. A neglected system can not only cause plumbing issues but also turn the yard into one big sewage swamp, which is a big health hazard. Replacing a septic tank is an expensive and big job. Major repairs can also be time consuming and costly. That is why you should also get your septic tank inspected on a regular basis, once every 2-3 years, and not only when you are selling it. It is far more cost-effective to proactively maintain a septic system through regular inspection and cleaning than perform major repairs or replace it every few years. The cost of septic inspection varies by state and also depends on other factors, like the size of the tank.

So, how much does a septic inspection cost by state? The average price for a septic tank inspection in the US is $550. That said, septic tank inspections usually cost anywhere in the range of $200 to $900. But keep in mind that several variables are involved in a septic tank inspection, like its size and depth.

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What Factors into the Septic Inspection Cost

The larger your septic tank and the greater its depth, the more you will have to spend on its inspection. In addition, the cost of inspection can be greater if the trained professional finds some serious issues. Also, if your tank requires a comprehensive inspection, it will cost more.

When a house is changing hands, a basic inspection — which typically involves a visual inspection, dye tests for leaks, sludge and scum layer measuring and simple system tests — is done first. In case the septic inspector suspects that serious issues might be lurking around the corner, he or she will recommend you to go for a comprehensive inspection. A detailed septic tank inspection involves additional steps like pumping and measuring tests, water-body distance, wastewater flow test, soil testing, and more. It may also involve a camera test, which will bump up your cost considerably.

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How much does a septic inspection cost — by state?

While ensuring the smooth functioning of your septic system is priceless, you can expect to spend somewhere between $200 and $900 per septic tank inspection. The average cost of a septic tank inspection in the US is $550. Depending on where you live (and some other factors), you may have to more or less for an inspection.

Here is a rough estimate of how much a typical septic inspection costs in different states:

  • Arizona – You can expect to spend somewhere between $250 and $400 for a full septic inspection.
  • Alaska – You will likely pay $300 or more for a septic tank inspection.
  • Colorado – A septic tank inspection can cost anywhere between $200 and $900, depending on how detailed it is.
  • Michigan – You will likely spend $300 or more for a septic inspection.
  • North Carolina – A septic inspection costs on average about $300 and up.
  • Illinois – The average cost of a septic inspection in Illinois is $225.
  • Utah – On average, a septic tank inspection costs $300 and up.
  • Indiana – A septic tank inspection can cost anywhere between $200 and $900, depending on how detailed it is. A visual inspection, which is the most basic type of septic inspection, costs anywhere between $100 and $200. More comprehensive inspections will cost more.
  • Tennessee – On average, a septic tank inspection costs $300 and up.
  • Minnesota – A septic tank inspection typically costs between $200 and $900.
  • Montana – A septic tank inspection typically costs between $400 and $650.
  • Maryland – A full septic tank inspection costs $1000 and up in Maryland.
  • New York – A basic septic tank inspection in New York costs between $200 and $300.
  • Pennsylvania – The cost of a septic inspection in Pennsylvania can run anywhere from $100 to $900. A visual inspection, which is the most basic type of septic inspection, costs anywhere between $100 and $200. More comprehensive inspections will cost more.
  • Oregon – You can expect to pay $150 to $250 for a basic septic inspection in Oregon.
  • Hawaii – The cost of a septic inspection in Hawaii typically ranges between $300 and $600.
  • Washington – A basic septic inspection typically costs between $100 and $250. A full inspection, however, will cost significantly more.
  • Massachusetts – A septic inspection in Massachusetts generally costs $400 to $800.
  • California – A septic inspection costs on average about $300 and up.
  • New Jersey – You can expect to spend $400 to $450 per septic inspection.
  • Ohio – A septic inspection costs on average about $300 and up.
  • Kentucky – The average price for a septic inspection is $550 in Kentucky.
  • Missouri – A visual inspection costs $300 on Average.
  • Wisconsin – The cost of septic inspection ranges from $400 to $650 on average.
  • Alabama – You can expect to pay between $250 and $400 for a septic inspection.
  • Connecticut – Generally, the price for a septic inspection ranges between $280 and $1,000.
  • Oklahoma – A septic tank inspection typically costs between $200 and $900.
  • New Mexico – A visual septic inspection costs $300 on Average.
  • South Carolina – You can expect to spend between $350 and $450 for a septic tank inspection in South Carolina.
  • Louisiana – A visual inspection can cost about $250.
  • Maine – You will likely spend $300 or more for a septic inspection in Maine.
  • Nevada – The price for a septic inspection ranges between $200 and $900.
  • South Dakota – The average cost of a septic inspection is $550.
  • Mississippi – You will likely spend $300 or more for a septic inspection.
  • Kansas – The average cost of a septic inspection is $400 to $650.
  • Arkansas – The average cost of a visual septic inspection is $279.
  • Idaho – If you are living in Idaho, expect to spend $480 on average for a septic inspection
  • Iowa – You will likely pay $100 to $250 for a basic septic inspection
  • Texas – The average cost of a septic tank inspection is $340.
  • North Florida – A septic inspection costs on average about $150 and up.
  • South Florida – The cost of a septic tank inspection in South Florida is $200 or more.
  • Georgia – A visual inspection in Georgia costs $100 to $200. If you want a basic inspection (which involves other procedures on top of a visual inspection), you will likely have to spend between $200 and $450. A full septic inspection, on the other hand, costs on average $300 to $600+.
  • Virginia – If you are living in Virginia, expect to spend $300+ on a septic tank inspection
  • Wyoming – The average price for a septic inspection ranges between $400 and $650.
  • Rhode Island – You will likely spend $250 per visual inspection in Rhode Island.
  • Nebraska – The average price for a septic inspection ranges between $400 and $650.
  • Vermont – Price ranges from $250 to $750 for a septic inspection.
  • North Dakota – Homebuyers can expect to pay between $260 and $420 for a septic inspection.
  • West Virginia – A septic tank inspection costs between $350 and $450.
  • Delaware – A basic septic inspection costs $100 to $250.
  • New Hampshire – The average cost for a septic inspection is $400 to $700.

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